Entries tagged "theory"
April 16, 2023
Alternative to Boasts
Working on something else, but still unhappy with XP or milestones as normally constructed. There are three criteria for improvement - only the
March 23, 2023
Bullet Points vs Prose
Because reasons, I’m working on rewrite of Behind Closed Doors. A lot of this involves de-bullet pointing the text. Below I’ve given a side-by-side
November 22, 2022
Limited Monsters
At the outset of Wolves, I made the decision to limit myself to only using recurring monsters from Volume 2: Monsters &. Whilst there are the
April 9, 2022
Making Your Own Sword
Imagine a system as a mine. Within this mine is ore. You can dig it up. Imagine your game as a furnace. You can smelt your ore here, and end up with
February 6, 2022
Night’s Black(pill) Agents
During my ongoing game of Night’s Black Agents (NBA) we had a realisation. One of the player character’s strategies is the ironically termed
November 29, 2021
No Rules No Rulings
When running Wolves Upon the Coast, a situation arose - the players wanted to train the griffon chicks they had adopted (stolen). There is nothing
November 1, 2021
Vernacular Games
Nails to whiteboards. Against design, against discussion, towards play. Discuss results. Do not discuss plans. This is not play-testing - this is
September 6, 2021
2d20 Bandits
On an encounter table, the entry 2d20 Bandits pulls a lot of work. Bandits are human beings. This makes them harder to deal with - when you lean in
September 1, 2021
A Theory of Art
lest I ever have to try this shit in a tweet again. Artist - someone who, for whatever reason, makes something they or others consider Art. Art -
May 3, 2021
Mechanisms as Abstraction
Mechanisms abstract the thing they describe or simulate. This can be done to speed up play, or to make something complex more easily grasped. The
April 18, 2021
Perfection Trap
Date: 04/18/21 There is a common tendency to try and find the ‘best’ way to do things. The best initiative system, the best HP system, the superior
March 17, 2021
Against Incentive
Incentivising behaviour is bad for your game. Axiom - Most players, most of the time, will take the most optimal option. Incentives create optimal
February 22, 2021
The Principles of Thinking Adventures
Systems (as in ‘combat system’ not ‘system matters’) offer a trade - your freedom in exchange for something else. This trade is not always in your