Contacts Table for Swyvers
Written by Luke Gearing & Daniel Boyle.
You know… (Regular Swyvers roll 1d4 times at character creation.)
- A Racing Horse Stable Owner.
- A Butcher.
- A Oarswoman.
- A Ratcatcher.
- A Rat.
- A Talking Dog.
- A Librarian.
- A Watchman.
- A Watchman, Honest.
- A Pickpocket.
- A Beggar.
- A Priest.
- A King of the Orphans.
- A Poet (Terrible).
- A Gardener.
- A Soldier.
- A Wise Woman.
- A Tinker.
- A Sausage Merchant.
- A Wildman.
- A Musician.
- A “Musician”.
- A Servant to lesser nobility.
- A Noble who’s “going to get it all back this time.”
- A Lamplighter.
- A Used Horse Salesman.
- Big Dave’s lackey.
- A Shire Reeve.
- A Long Lost Uncle.
- A Barber Surgeon.
- A Lawyer.
- A Historian.
- A Fortune Teller.
- A Professional Reader.
- A Professional Riter.
- A Royal Whipping Boy, Retired.
- A River Boat Captain.
- A Bridge Warden.
- An Abattoir Worker.
- A Smart Person.
- A Tanner.
- The guy who boils horses into glue.
- Pete.
- A Innkeep.
- A Barman.
- A Mason.
- A Carpenter.
- A Pigeon Fancier.
- A Pugilist.
- A Veteran.
- A Sea-Washed Man.
- A Foundling.
- A Continental … (Roll again.)
- A Poacher.
- A Falconer.
- A Nightsoil Harvestman.
- A Piss Merchant.
- A Brewer.
- A Porter, bad back.
- A Porter, pint of.
- A Gang Liutenant.
- A Scarless Dog Trainer.
- A Maitre de Chat.
- A Winklepicker.
- A Beachcomber.
- A Pie Flogger.
- A Warden’s Executioner.
- A Seamstress.
- A Woman of Great Respect and Fortitude.
- Your Mum.
- A Corpse Cart Driver.
- A Plague Survivor.
- A Thief, failed.
- A Guy with terrible luck, just awful, like really.
- A Carter.
- A Guy who knows a guy - roll again.
- A Cryer.
- The Third fastest driver in the city.
- The Second fastest driver in the city.
- The slowest man alive.
- A Blacksmith.
- A Farrier.
- A Stable boy.
- A Stable man.
- Old Tom
- Real Old Tom.
- Dead Tom.
- A Deserter.
- Somone in the Clink.
- Yourself, truly.
- Your spouse.
- Your shitty little cousin.
- A Clingy swyver.
- A Locksmith.
- A Perfumier.
- A Republican Activist.
- A Mummer.
- A Ragpicker.
- A Cobbler.
- okay so there was this one night right, you know the type, getting a bit messy with the crew anyway there was this geezer who kept paying for the drinks but not saying much and you called him a right good lad the night carries on and things get a bit lairy but you save this blokes skin and basically it turns out he’s only the bloody crown prince and he says to you “i owe you a favour mate”, you can keep that one in your back pocket, later on right he nicks this horse and rides it about and you drag him off it before it careens into a whole block of coppers and he says to you again “i owe you a favour mate” anyway thats how I met the crown prince and thats why he owes you at least two favours maybe more you were drinking quite a lot that night so it gets a bit fuzzy around the middle bit